Self-Care Student Diary/Journal: May - August Paperback
May - August termly student self-care diary/journal. Strategise your daily academic routines and activities. Full of life skills teachings. It is even spacious enough to help you summarise/bullet point your daily academic activities, enhancing quick revision towards your assessments and exams. Enough space to log in your other self-care daily activities such as ; emotional, nutritional, physical, spiritual, social, intellectual, economical/financial and AOB (Any Other Business). Get two empowering, motivational, inspiring, building and yet challenging words of wisdom from scholars and philosophers at the beginning of each month. A helpful guide how to make optimal use of this journal is included. 270 pages and A4 trim size. Get knowledge ; Get Understanding. Gives you a full page to review your progress at the end of each month and set targets for your next month. Please, check it out and place some orders. Great for students especially Upper High School, A Levels/College and any University Level. You could also stretch those in lower High School. Suitable for use in any part of the world despite the curriculum.
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This May - August self care student diary is open and can be used in any annual year calendar.
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